
Convert MP3 to SWF File

12:45 PM |

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Customize website, blog or any social networking profile with embedded music was so nice.Because we can attract our visitors with our favorite music. And sometimes it will clear the boring and can make our visitors enjoy to spent more time to read our contents.

But,it will get difficult to attract our visitors if the song that we embed into our website was buffer with slowly connection.No body can wait until the song end and enjoy their reads of our content if this happen to us.

It was simple to solve, because it just related with the size of the file.So if we want to get best buffering when the music start to play, we need to resize the file into more simple or small file. We can convert our Mp3 file into Wma or SWF file which more small size and easy to buffer even when we get slow connection. And to convert that file we just need Mp3 converter to SWF file.

After we convert our Mp3 file into SWF file, we will get more small size.
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